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Phone: 704-282-8260 Fax: 704-289-8141 Email:
T E K S H O P of NC, Inc.
Monroe, North Carolina
Jim Rankin, Owner
Serving the Local Area Since 1990
Business Hours 8:30 to 4:30
Monday - Friday
Computer & Laptop Repair/Sales - Printer Repair
Off Site Backup - Data Recovery
Upgrades - Antivirus Protection - Networking

Businesses both large and small live by the phrase "time is money" and can't afford to be faced with computer "downtime" due to software or hardware problems.
In today's highly competitive and technical world, computers have become a vital part of our success. Protect your valuable investment by having your computer system checked by this reputable firm. Along with preventive maintenance,
TEKSHOP of NORTH CAROLINA offers a complete line of computer support services.
3515-A Highway 74 West
Monroe, North Carolina 28110

Ask Jim about the NUC
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